“As our parents planted for us before we were born, so do we plant for those who come after us.” –Talmud
One of the most thoughtful ways to ensure Camp Northland-B’nai Brith continues to help kids experience camp is by being remembered forever by Camp Northland with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy. This selfless gesture will help create many unforgettable experiences in the lives of campers for years to come.
You can commit to keeping Camp Northland-B’nai Brith vibrant and strong for generations to come by including Camp in your estate plans and becoming a member of our Legacy Society.
The Legacy Society honors and recognizes individuals who are committed to the future and sustainability of Camp Northland-B’nai Brith. The Legacy Society members demonstrate their commitment and generosity through a bequest or planned gift to Camp Northland.
To download your Letter of Intent, please click here.
We are most grateful to the following individuals for their dedication to Camp Northland-B’nai Brith, as expressed through their membership in the Legacy Society (as of December 31, 2021):
Greg Evans
Stacey & Amy Cohen
Simon Wolle
Denise Harris
Rachel Evans
Jay Rudolph
Michelle Goldstein
Jaimie Goldstein
Karen Wolf
Howard Hanick
Amy Laski
Anonymous (5)
Hershey Glass
Abby Tobias
Jeff & Rochelle Westreich
Neil Zworth
For more information about the Legacy Society and planned giving, please contact Marisa Reby at [email protected]
One of the most thoughtful ways to ensure Camp Northland-B’nai Brith continues to help kids experience camp is by being remembered forever by Camp Northland with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy. This selfless gesture will help create many unforgettable experiences in the lives of campers for years to come.
You can commit to keeping Camp Northland-B’nai Brith vibrant and strong for generations to come by including Camp in your estate plans and becoming a member of our Legacy Society.
The Legacy Society honors and recognizes individuals who are committed to the future and sustainability of Camp Northland-B’nai Brith. The Legacy Society members demonstrate their commitment and generosity through a bequest or planned gift to Camp Northland.
To download your Letter of Intent, please click here.
We are most grateful to the following individuals for their dedication to Camp Northland-B’nai Brith, as expressed through their membership in the Legacy Society (as of December 31, 2021):
Greg Evans
Stacey & Amy Cohen
Simon Wolle
Denise Harris
Rachel Evans
Jay Rudolph
Michelle Goldstein
Jaimie Goldstein
Karen Wolf
Howard Hanick
Amy Laski
Anonymous (5)
Hershey Glass
Abby Tobias
Jeff & Rochelle Westreich
Neil Zworth
For more information about the Legacy Society and planned giving, please contact Marisa Reby at [email protected]